News: Events


April 3: Alain Aspect To Give Fano Lecture

March 12, 2025


Over 180 researchers attend the Midwest Cold Atom Workshop

November 14, 2023


JaegerFest: In Honor of Heinrich Jaeger’s 60th Birthday

June 5, 2017

JaegerFest Group Photo

The World in a Grain of Sand: A Symposium on the Collective Behavior of Particles.

In honor of Heinrich Jaeger’s 60th birthday and to celebrate his highly productive and inspiring scientific career, the MRSEC, JFI, and Physics Department hosted a special Symposium on June 2-3. JaegerFest welcomed to campus more than 100 friends, colleagues, staff and administrators both current and retired, as well as many generations of current and former graduate students. Participants enjoyed a full day of talks related to granular physics, and dinner at the local Experimental Station that included a "roast" where everyone could only think of nice things to say.