10:00 am
ERC and Zoom Room 161
"Experiments on superconducting processors at the dawn of NISQ era"
In 2019, the Google Quantum team demonstrated that certain computational tasks might be executed exponentially faster on a quantum processor than on a classical computer, the quantum supremacy. Going beyond this milestone, we now seek to utilize these Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) processors to find algorithms that are of interest to the broader scientific community. However, achieving this goal is an outstanding challenge both theoretically, e.g. in finding suitable algorithms, as well as experimentally, e.g. extending coherence of the system. By presenting some of our recent works, we discuss the challenges and our progress. In particular, we present results on preparing the ground state of the Toric code Hamiltonian using an efficient quantum circuit [1]. Combining various techniques, we study transitions to the time crystalline phase [2], which is challenging due to limited programmability, finite coherence time, and finite size of current processors. Our results demonstrate the promise of studying condensed matter problems with NISQ processors.