4:00 pm
GCIS Room W301
"Exciton Condensation: What is it? How do you make it? How do you measure it?"
Condensation and quantum many-body effects are important in many different scientific disciplines, ranging from condensed matter physics to chemistry. The highly disparate fields that work on condensation phenomena can lead to confusion between researchers with different perspectives, and make it challenging to build collaborations. In this JFI tutorial, I aim to discuss exciton condensation. We’ll discuss questions like: What is an exciton condensate? How can exciton condensates be formed in materials or with molecules? What are the physical characteristics of an exciton condensate that can be measured in a lab? How can we answer the open questions in this emerging field? What are the grand challenges to utilizing exciton condensation for frictionless energy and information transport? This tutorial is open to all – from experts to researchers new to the field. Host: Cheng Chin via email cchin@jfi.uchicago.edu or by phone 773-702-7192. Persons who may need assistance please contact Brenda Thomas at bthomas@uchicago.edu or by phone at 773-702-7156.