JFI Special Seminar - Emmanuel Lhuillier- CNRS-Sorbonne Université

4:00–5:00 pm GCIS E123

929 E. 57th Street

Quantum confinement in HgTe nanocrystals1 enables a wide tunability of the absorption edge from 800 nm and up to the THz. Although a simple two bands model can explain this wide tunability, a careful analysis of the spectra as a function of temperature and pressure requires a more in-depth modelling. I will start my talk with a discussion on HgTe phase diagram as a function of confinement pressure and temperature.

The second part of the talk will be dedicated to some recent development relative to the integration of these particles for imaging and especially for short-wave infrared. I will present a very simple strategy based on a single step of fabrication.3

Finally, the last part of the talk will focus on the coupling of these infrared absorbers with photonic cavities with the goal to engineer of the spectral shape4 or design an active photonic structure.5


  1. Mercury chalcogenide quantum dots: Material perspective for device integration, C. Gréboval et al, Chemical Reviews 121, 3627 (2021)
  2. Vanishing Confinement Regime in Terahertz HgTe Nanocrystals Studied under Extreme Conditions of Temperature and Pressure, S. Pierini et al, J Phys chem Lett 13, 6919 (2022)
  3. Photoconductive focal plane array based on HgTe quantum dots for fast and cost-effective short-wave infrared imaging, C Gréboval et al, Nanoscale 14, 9359 (2022)
  4. Broadband Enhancement of MidWave Infrared Absorption in a MultiResonant NanocrystalBased Device, TH Dang et al, Advanced Optical Materials 10, 2200297 (2022)
  5. Nanocrystal-Based Active Photonics Device through Spatial Design of Light-Matter Coupling, TH Dang et al, ACS photonics 9, 2528 (2022)

Event Type


Aug 2