Research Professor

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- (773) 702-9942
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Dr. Lin obtained her Ph. D in Physics at Northwestern University in 1990 and joined Professor Stuart Rice's group as a postdoc the same year. In 1994, she became a beamline scientist at Consortium for Advanced Radiation Sources (CARS), University of Chicago. She is in charge of liquid surface/interfacial scattering experimental station in ChemMatCARS at the Advanced Photon Sources, Argonne National Laboratories (CheMatCARS is a national synchrotron x-ray facility for chemistry and material sciences). Her research interests in CARS are on surface/interfacial structural and dynamic properties of soft materials, and systems of interests include Langmuir monolayers, polymer/metal nano-particle composites, and liquid metals. Dr. Lin also conducts research in James Franck Institute on the behaviors of colloidal suspensions confined in one-dimensional narrow channels. Digital video microscopy is used for the experimental measurements, and synchrotron x-ray static/dynamic scattering techniques are to be used in the future measurements. She is studying the effects of the confinement on the diffusion and ordering of the colloidal spheres in the channels.