Vitelli group

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I am currently working as an AI & Science Post-Doctoral Fellow at the JFI, University of
Chicago with Prof. Vincenzo Vitelli. Before coming here I worked with Prof. Peter Sollich
as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowat the University of Goettingen, Germany and
with Prof. Madan Rao (briefly for a year) as a Simons Career Development Fellow, at the
National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bengaluru, India, just after I did my Ph.D. I completed
my Ph.D. in the theoretical condensed matter physics under the guidance of Prof. Chandan
Dasgupta from the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru in 2018.
My research has primarily focused on theoretical soft-condensed matter physics, spanning
diverse areas such as glasses, active matter, and granular/athermal systems, as well as applying
machine learning and AI-based tools to soft matter problems. Currently, my work at JFI, involves
exploring the collective behavior of self-propelled agents with small neural networks, as well as
investigating how to generate complex dynamic self-assembly through physical learning.
In my free time, I enjoy reading books, watching movies, and cooking.