JFI Colloquium - Prof. James C. Hones, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, Advances in Synthesis and Quantum Applications of 2D Materials
3:45–4:45 pm GCIS W301/W303

Gherard L. & Liselotte Closs Lecture - Prof. Todd Martinez, Stanford University, Discovering Chemistry and Photochemistry From First Principles Molecular Dynamics
3:45–4:45 pm GCIS W301/W303

Materials Chem.- Prof. Maxx Arguilla, UC Irvine, Through thick and thin: Developing chemical strategies towards unique electronic and optical landscapes in atomically precise one-dimensional solids
3:45–4:45 am GCIS W301/W303

JFI/CAM Joint Colloquium - Prof. Shiwei Zhang, Flatiron Institute - Stochastic approaches to quantum any-body problems: challenges and opportunities
4:00–5:00 pm Jones 303

JFI Colloquium - Prof. David S. Weiss, Penn State, "Exciting 1D gases"
3:45–4:45 pm GCIS W301/W303

JFI Colloquium - Prof. Francesco Zamponi, Sapienza Università di Roma, Emergent Time Scales of Epistasis in Protein Evolution
3:45–4:45 pm GCIS - W301/W303

JFI Colloquium - Prof. Steve Granick, Dept. of Polymer Science & Engineering, UMASS - Some Puzzles and Research Opportunities in Soft Matter Science
3:45–5:00 pm GCIS W301/W303

JFI-Gherhard L. and Liselotte Closs Lecture - Prof. Nicolas Cerullo, Physics Department, Politecnico di Milano (Italy) - Ultrafast dynamics of 2D semiconductors and their heterostructures
3:45–5:00 pm GCIS W301/W303

JFI Seminar - Zeger Hens, Ghent University, Colloidal Nanocrystals for Optical Downconversion – From On-Chip LEDs to Optically-Pumped Lasers
3:36–4:36 pm 3:45 PM - GCIS W301/W303

JFI Seminar - Jochem Meijer, University of Twente, How Freezing Affects Morphology
3:45–4:45 pm GCIS W301