JFI Seminar - Naomi Ginsberg - The Department of Chemistry, University of California-Berkeley- Following and controlling formation and function of bottom-up assembled nanomaterials
3:45–4:45 pm GCIS W301/W303
Midwest Mechanics Seminar - Dan S. Henningson, Department of Engineering , KTH, Sweden - Large scale numerical experiments of unsteady aerodynamic flows and the role of laminar-turbulent transition
12:15–1:15 pm KPTC 206
The Gerhard & Liselotte Closs Lecture - Troy Van Voorhis - MIT - Electron and Energy Transfer in Molecules and Materials
3:45–4:45 pm Gordon Center W301/W303
JFI Colloquium - Anders Nilsson - Department of Physics - Stockholm University, Sweden - Origin of the Anomalous Properties of Water Determined Using X-ray Lasers
3:45–4:45 pm W301/W303
Materials Chemistry Seminar - Professor Qian Chen, Materials Science and Engineering, UIUC - Electron Videography of Soft, Biological, and Energy Matter at the Nanoscale
3:45–4:45 pm GCIS W301
PME Distinguished Colloquium Series - Baoxi Mi, Associate Professor & Wood Calvert chair of Engineering, UC Berkeley - Water Purification Membranes Made of 2D Nanomaterials
10:30–11:30 am ERC 161
Professor Itai Cohen, Department of Physics, Cornell University, Electronically Integrated Autonomous Microscopic Robots
3:45–4:45 pm GCIS W301
PME Special Seminar - Junsuk Rho, Ph.D., Endowed Chair Professor & Young Distinguished Professor, Pohang University - Metamaterials: from invisibility cloak to future extended reality displays
10:30–11:30 am ERC 201
Professor Margaret Murnane, University of Colorado Boulder, Attosecond Quantum Technologies for Advanced Semiconductor and Materials Metrologies
3:45–4:45 pm GCIS W301