News: Faculty


New SPIFF method improves accuracy of imaging systems

February 4, 2017

Research image

Collaborative work by the Dinner, Rice, and Scherer groups

The newly developed SPIFF (single-pixel interior filling function) method provides a way to detect and correct systematic errors in data and image analysis used in many areas of science and engineering.

“Anyone working with imaging data on tiny objects — or objects that appear tiny — who wants to determine and track their positions in time and space will benefit from the single-pixel interior filling function method,” said co-principal investigator Norbert Scherer.


Myford Super 7 lathe dedication

January 30, 2017

New tool for the JFI Student Machine Shop

Stuart Rice generously donated a Myford Super 7 Lathe to the JFI Student Machine Shop, and we had a dedication ceremony on January 10, 2017. The lathe is already being put to good use.

Prof. Robert Gomer, 1924-2016

January 12, 2017

Robert Gomer

Former JFI Director and pioneering chemist passes away at the age of 92.

Prof. Emeritus Robert Gomer, a chemical physicist who pioneered techniques for studying molecules and taught at the University of Chicago for nearly a half-century, died Dec. 12 of complications related to Parkinson’s disease. He was 92.


Chin group confirms theory describing principles of phase transitions

November 3, 2016

Chin research image

Ultracold atoms unveil a universal symmetry of systems crossing continuous phase transitions.


Heinrich Jaeger receives 2016 Faculty Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentoring

June 2, 2016

Heinrich Jaeger

When it comes to graduate education, it’s the questions that concern Heinrich Jaeger, not the answers.

New Device Steps Toward Isolating Single Electrons for Quantum Computing

May 19, 2016

Research image

The Schuster Group has integrated trapped electrons with superconducting quantum circuits.

“A key aspect of this experiment is that we have integrated trapped electrons with more well-developed superconducting quantum circuits,” said graduate student Ge Yang, lead author of the Physical Review X paper that reported the group’s findings. The team captured the electrons by coaxing them to float above the surface of liquid helium at extremely low temperatures.
